Fukushima Cleanup

Mission: Install Water Treatment Surveillance Cameras for Kurion and Sarry 1 & 2
Because the primary cooling system for units 1-3 were damaged, TEPCO installed external water treatment systems. It was important to filter radioactive fission products from the cooling water. The filter exchange had to be performed by remote controlled manipulators due to high radiation levels when opening the filter skids. No personnel could enter the skid room during operation, requiring camera operation and surveillance from a great distance.

Our Approach
Our XRAD-PTZ cameras were chosen for this task. The radiation tolerant color PTZ cameras were attached to the walls of the filter skid rooms. They operated over a 2km fiber cable connected between the camera control unit and the remote operator work station. Since 2011, we have delivered 16 of these camera systems.
Mission: Spent Fuel Inspection and Spent Fuel Cleaning Campaign at Unit 3
Unit 3 was in need of heavy debris clean-up from the spent fuel pool. While remotely removing the damaged building and reactor hall equipment, the underwater mobile camera systems were to survey the operation from a safe distance.

Our Approach
The Color MegaRad PTZ camera was used for both the spent fuel inspection and spent fuel cleaning campaigns at unit 3 where the building’s structural damage was more severe than on the other units. The PTZ cameras were hanging from motorized cable reels mounted to the spent fuel pool wall. They were lifted and lowered from a remote operating work station 700m away from the unit 3 roof top. The equipment has operated outdoors during years of clean-up on the unit 3 roof while exposed to various weather conditions. Since 2011, we have delivered six of these camera systems.
Mission: Spent Fuel Pool Removal Unit 4
Unit 4 was being overhauled in March 2011 and remained the least damaged during the accident. However, it was critical to inspect all spent fuel assemblies prior to removal from site.

Our Approach
The Color MegaRad L PTZ was suitable for this application; the camera is controlled by a portable inspection system: a mobile system that can easily be moved to accommodate each inspection. It was attached to the refueling machine during the inspections. All delivered systems have video overlay and recording features. Since 2011, three of theese camera systems have been delivered.
I am pleased to express my deep appreciation to you for your support and cooperation you rendered to us to contain the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Thanks for your support. Your support enabled us to resolve the crisis at the plant.
Tadashi Hosokawa, President, Tokyo Electric Power Environmental Engineering