Plant service
Our products are designed with easy maintenance in mind. Local plant personnel shall be able to perform general maintenance and exchange consumables. We offer training on site at customer, or at external facility, or at our factory in Norrtälje, Sweden. We also offer on-site service such as:
- Installation of 4-Face Fuel Inspection Systems
- Operation of 4-Face Fuel Inspection Systems
- General maintenance of 4-Face Fuel Inspection Systems
- Assistance in decontamination of 4-Face Fuel Inspection Systems
- Real Time Core Verification, including: Installation, Operation, Maintenance, etc.
- Specialized Exams
- Spent Fuel Pool Inventory
- Gap Checks
- Bottom Nozzle foreign material retrieval
- Serial Number identification
- Core Plate inspection
- Below Core Plate inspection
- Core Barrel inspection (Custom F28 Camera)
- Jet Pump exams
- General maintenance/overview cameras
- Mast Camera, Installation, Set-up, Maintenance, etc.
- General maintenance of site owned Ahlberg equipment
- Site network integration
- Emergent Service Work
- Quick mobilization of Ahlberg technicians for emergent needs
- Troubleshooting
- Preventative Maintenance
- Overall support
- New System Installation
- Configuration
- Training
- Modifications
The services provided by Ahlberg are not limited to the list above, but are services that we frequently perform.
We work constantly with site personnel and other work groups to create a cohesive team. We work to the customers timeline, while staying ahead of the critical path group. Our ultimate goal is to assure that site is not waiting on Ahlberg for any evolution being performed. We offer everything from standard shift work to 24 hr coverage at the necessary times.
If necessary, we can arrange for transportation and overhaul of contaminated equipment to our hot shop in Sweden.